One question that seems to bother everyone is what is the formula to eternal happiness? People say money can’t buy happiness and yet research has shown that money can indeed be used to buy a certain amount of happiness. 

But according to a Harvard Professor, having lots of money won’t make you happier but there are 4 keys that will definitely make you happy. 

One, friends and family. It’s reported that loneliness and social isolation can be very damaging to health. 

Two, forgiveness, the ability to forgive frees you from the burdens of hate and other unhealthy emotions that can negatively impact your happiness quotient. 

Thirdly, giving, getting involved with charities and donating money is one of the ways to fully utilise your money and has been proven to increase your mood. 

And finally, gratitude. By saying I’m grateful at least once a day is found to help people savour positive experiences, cope with stressful circumstances and strengthen relationships. 

So, that’s the formula to happiness that the Harvard Professor has found. Perhaps you can try and see if you will be happier.