Have you seen the animated series,  AI Football GGO before where in that world, humans have invented robots that can replace humans in the game of soccer or football. Well, maybe it’s no longer a dream. Researchers have managed to develop a robot that can play football and is allegedly better than Messi. The robot named Artemis is about 150 cm tall and it can walk, jump, sprint and move just like a soccer player. Besides that, Artemis is one of the three robots across the globe that has the ability to run. Artemis will be playing at this year’s Robocup tournament which will be held in France. And FYI, Artemis stands for A Robot That Exceeds Messi In Soccer. Got to give props to the researchers that came up with the name and the anagram. 


So we’ve seen all the flying cars innovation by countless automobile companies now. And the question now is, how soon? As for Doroni Aerospace, the company revealed that they will be commercially selling their flying cars in two years. By 2025, the company will have their cars flying in the skies and one car costs up to RM1.6 million. The vehicle named Doroni H1 is designed for short trips for two people and can fly several feet up in the air with air speeds up to 225 km/h. The designs are very unique as well where it has four vertical propellers with two in front and two at the back. The driver and passenger will be seated at the middle of the vehicle. 


We’ve shared news on AI taking over the jobs of a lawyer, of a DJ and over in China, a state-media company has hired a new broadcaster and she is a virtual young woman named Ren Xiaorong claiming to be able to answer questions and deliver news broadcasts 24 a day for 365 days a year. It was reported that Ren Xiaorong has learned the skills of thousands of presenters but she can only answer pre-set questions. In the future, all industries will employ AI because AI can work all day, all year with no rest, they can work for free, they won’t get sick and they won’t get old. 
