Esports has become one of the most popular industries in the world with tournaments and competitions being held often. Esports is no longer a hobby or a passion but rather a career path. 

However, it’s also common to hear about the term gamer rage and a new research found out that 56.3 percent of regular gamers experience extreme, uncontrollable anger at least once a week. And according to the research, the data collected are divided into different gamers namely, Xbox, Playstation, PC, Nintendo Switch and Phone or tablet. Xbox gamers showed the highest frequency of rage with more than 5 times of rage while playing games followed by PC, Switch, Playstation and mobile. And the games that cause the most rage are Call of Duty followed by Mario Kart, Minecraft, League of Legends, Super Smash Bros and Grand Theft Auto.

The research also concluded that gamer rage usually happens due to in-game failures, other players’ actions, technical problems and out-of-game interruptions. And these will result in gamer rage such as verbal expressions or physical expressions and even quitting the game. 

The research did not recommend ways to avoid or stop rage gaming but experts have recommended regular exercise to help release stress. Nevertheless, gaming should be a form of relaxation and enjoyment, if you get worked up while playing, where’s the fun?