In science movies, whenever there’s a breakthrough in robotic science, scientists in the movie will always say nanobots. Now, we don’t have nanobots here but a team of scientists have combined robotics with biology.

Scientists from the Physical Intelligence Department at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems have equipped E. coli bacteria with artificial components to construct biohybrid microbots. In the past, scientists have been trying to look for ways to increase the superpowers of microorganisms so that they can help in treating cancerous cells. Since E. Coli bacteria are fast and versatile swimmers that can navigate through material ranging from liquids to highly viscous tissues, they are perfect for cancer treatment. So, scientists can inject bacteria based microbots into a cancer patient’s body and these microbots can surround the cancer tumour and cancer treatment can be done more precisely.

In the future, with the help of microbots, disease illness can be treated with more accuracy and thus, increases life expectancy of humans.