由Tea FM 为指定电台的Shopee专场演唱会将在7月5号,晚上7点30分,在The Wayang开Show! 当天晚上除了有知名本地艺人歌手Raquel, Chien, Adeline, Dell &
Valerie 献唱之外,Tea FM铁肺DJ歌手Esther田育慈以及TP将会带来首首动听的好歌!
除了音乐享受,出席的朋友还可能有机会获得总值1000令吉的Shopee购物礼券,大奖还有知名3C 电子产品!票务热线:WhatApps- 016-8892044,016 6581052
It’s a Friday night, so let’s partayyyyy!!!
The Shopee Exclusive Concert is going down this 5th July at 7.30 pm, featuring five local singers Raquel, Chien, Adeline, Dell & Valerie. What’s more, Tea FM’s very own Esther and TP will be performing too! You also stand a chance to win branded tech gadgets and Shopee vouchers up to RM1,000! WhatsApp 016-8892044 or 016 6581052 for tickets. Hurry, Shopee Exclusive Concert tickets are limited!