由砂拉越男少年军第筹办,Tea FM为指定电台的一年一度BB Love Box社区关怀活动即将从10月26号至12月7号展开!今年的目标是希望可以筹得两万份礼物! BB Love Box爱心站将会在分布在古晋,诗巫,民都鲁以及美里。献出一份爱心,托起一份希望。让我们一起把爱传出去,让砂拉越的甘榜贫民﹑福利部及 社会组织都有个美好及难忘的圣诞节。

The annual BB Love Box organised by the Sarawak State Council, The Boys’ Brigade in Malaysia is back with Tea FM as the official radio partner which will begin this October 26th until December 7th. This year we aim to collect 20 000 gifts! Our booths will be available at selected Shopping Malls in Kuching, Sibu, Bintulu and Limbang. So, in this festive of giving, let’s all do our part in sharing the love and blessings together with the less privileged.