第十四届姆律民族文化节-加里玛兰节盛会 Pesta Kalimaran


3月30 – 31号在丹南姆律文化村将举办2020年第十四届丹南姆律文化村 – 加里玛兰节盛会!姆律文化节取名【Kalimaran】的意义是指姆律人在一天的作息中,和文化音乐舞蹈艺术及手工艺品有关联的活动。盛会当天主办当局准备了许多节目,展览及比赛,包括姆律族传统游戏比赛,姆律小姐选美比赛等。更多活动详情,请联络沙巴文化局,088-258 762。

Pesta Kalimaran is an annual cultural celebration of the Murut community. Swing by the Murut Cultural Centre at Tenom, Sabah this March 30th to 31st, and experience the unique arts and culture of the Murut community, which is the third largest ethnic group in Sabah. For more details, contact the Sabah Cultural Board at 088 258 762.