During the pandemic, some items became hot sale stuff like face masks, toilet paper, sanitizers, like it got so crazy at one point where all malls and stores in Malaysia and possibly the whole world were sold out of these items. 

Anyway, another device that’s popular during the pandemic is the oximeter which is used to check your oxygen level in your body, especially if you’re infected with Covid-19, it’s recommended to check your body’s oxygen level regularly. And now, scientists have discovered an application that can be used to check our body’s oxygen level. Researchers from the University of Washington and University of California San Diego developed this app that uses the smartphone camera’s flash to determine the oxygen level in your body. It was reported that the app can detect the oxygen level of an individual with accuracy of up to 80 per cent. 

Researchers are going to conduct more research to perfect this app and to make it as good as your daily oximeter. In the future, all you need is your smartphone because everything will be on one single electronic device.