AI and facial recognition is the next uprising technology. And because of that, certain people are afraid of this new tech since their faces could be scanned and their information can be obtained within seconds. As for Italian startup, Capable, they have developed a high-tech product that will confuse artificial intelligence and stop them from recognising the wearer. 

Named as the Manifesto Collection, it is the first range of its kind where knitted garments shield facial recognition. How does it work? Well, the knitwear features an algorithm that is integrated into the texture designed to be worn without losing effectiveness, blending perfectly with the volumes of the body. Upon detection by an AI facial recognition system, instead of seeing faces, the AI systems will see dogs, zebras, giraffes, or small knitted people inside the fabric. 

This sounds very intriguing. An attire that could trick an AI system, sounds like something from a spy movie.